Veterinary Sterilization
In the Veterinary series of our Tuttnauer blog you can learn about different types of veterinary sterilizers, like Class N and Class B tabletop autoclaves. Featured here are also guest blog posts and videos, which deal with pressing topics in the field of veterinary sterilization and infection control.

Veterinary Equipment: What You Need When Setting Up a Clinic
Just as with any profession, there are certain pieces of equipment every veterinarian must acquire before a new vet practice can open and animals can start receiving treatment.

Infection Control in Vet Clinics - Best Practices
Animal infection contracted at vet practices can significantly and adversely impact animal health. In this post you will understand why keeping your vet clinic is so important.

How to start your veterinary practice
A complete guide to everything you need to know to start your own veterinary practice and launch a fruitful independent pet care clinic.

How should vets handle the death of a pet-patient during treatment?
How you can help yourself and your pet owner clients deal with grief and accept the reality of death during veterinary treatment.

The ins and outs of proper handwashing at your vet clinic
Infection control, it’s in your hands - wash them well and often.

Which animals are hardest to treat?
All pet-patients require the same standard of care, but some species are just harder to treat than others.