Sterilization by Heat

The oldest method around is flaming, holding an instrument in an open flame. This is exactly what is done when you burn a tip of a needle to remove a thorn. This method has been around since our ancestor hunters used flaming to make the meat they hunted edible and tasty. They didn't need any knowledge about the dangers of bacteria to understand that barbecued meat is healthier and tastier than raw meat.
If you're into total destruction, this method's for you. By using incineration everything is destroyed, not only microorganisms. Incineration is applicable to materials used only once or when the contamination level is so high, that for safety reasons it must be destroyed. Radioactive materials not included, of course. It turns everything into ashes therefore reducing load volume by 90%.
Typical applications:
With dry heat the bacteria are burned to death or oxidized. Dry, hot air is much less effective in transferring heat than moist heat. This is why microorganisms are much more able to withstand heat in a dry state. The dry heat sterilization process takes a long long time and is done at a high temperature (2 hours at 160°C). The total cycle time, including heating up and cooling down to 80°C can take about 10-11 hours, not the greatest solution for an active clinic that needs its instruments to be readily available. With forced cooling the time may be reduced to five hours.
Dry heat sterilization is especially applicable to materials that are damaged by high pressure or moisture and can withstand high temperatures. Dry heat does not cause corrosion of metal instruments; thus it is well suited for the sterilization of metal instruments but cannot be used for sterilization of fabrics, plastics or rubber-ware. It is also suitable for glassware in the lab. The final category is materials that steam cannot penetrate or must remain dry: This includes pharmaceutical powders that need to remain dry, oils and substances that aren't penetrated by steam.
Our next post will discuss sterilization by steam and we'll explain why this is one of the most commonly used methods and also one of our areas of expertise. We'd love to hear of other methods, advantages or disadvantages, unusual or interesting applications, so please join the conversation.