Questions & Answers

Ask any question about sterilization and autoclaving and one of Tuttnauer's experts will answer. Send your questions to [email protected] with the title “Q&A.”
Autoclaves do require air filters, but they cannot be cleaned ultrasonically. Dirty filters must be replaced. Please consult your owner’s manual for specific instructions.
In general, where there is air, steam will not penetrate. Where the steam doesn’t penetrate, sterilization cannot occur. This means we need to remove the air in order for the steam to penetrate to the deepest points of the load. For that we provide prevacuum pulses, which remove the air. By European regulation more than 99% of the air must be removed.
In case you are asking about non-condensable gases, which are present in steam, then there are special tools for testing the quality of the steam.
There are two points to consider. First and foremost, it depends on the biosafety level of the load. What exactly are you sterilizing? If you are sterilizing instruments for medical use, then I see no biological danger by being in the same room. To inquire about the biosafety level (BSL) of your load and associated precautions, please see our blog post BSL Autoclaves for Biosafety Sterilization. Secondly, we are dealing with a pressure vessel, regardless of the load type, and one should not stand in front of the autoclave door while the cycle is running.
Condensation occurs because of the difference in temperature inside and outside of the chamber. Try leaving the bottles for a few extra minutes after opening the door.
Thanks for joining us for this set of Q&A’s. Please keep in mind that the questions answered here are of a general nature and may not include specific instructions for all Tuttnauer models and for all possible sterilization loads. For specific questions regarding your autoclave model or sterilization load, please contact us directly at [email protected].