Puerto Vallarta Autoclave Sterilization Training

I just returned from a two-week intensive training that took place in the Mexican resort of Puerto Vallarta and happy to share the experience with you.
This time we hosted 66 students all from Latin America and training was in Spanish. The training was divided to two sections: The first week was dedicated to Tabletop and Lab autoclaves. We covered the following topics:
The second week was dedicated to large Horizontal Autoclaves, both lab and medical. We covered:
Training is a great opportunity to get to know our customers and also for our customer to network with each other. The group stayed in a hotel and training took place in the hotel conference room, so we basically were together 24/7. The hotel was on the sea shore, so the minute training was over, we enjoyed the beautiful beach and lots of fun. Top it all with free alcohol and my personal favorite the refreshing Cuban drink Mojito, and you have a happy group of technicians and instructors.
We made new social connections and new friendships. These ties also benefit the group, they opened a WhatsApp group where members can crowdsource, ask questions, initiate discussions and resolve technical issues. Technology is to our benefit, but still there’s nothing like face to face interaction.
But it was not all fun. On the weekend, I went swimming and was stung by a Manta Ray, rushed to hospital and was treated by a surgeon which resulted with 30 stitches. You can imagine that I took the opportunity to check the state of sterilization in the local hospital.
We invite course participants to keep in touch. You can find us on our social media channels: Facebook and Linkedin. If you post pictures from the training on your social media pages, don’t forget to tag Tuttnauer.
Enjoy pictures from the event:
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