Donna Swenson
Guest authorDonna Swenson, BS, CRCST, CHL, ACE, CSPDM, has more than 30 years of experience in the sterilization of medical devices, working with both healthcare providers and the medical device industry. For several years, Ms. Swenson has been the lead U.S. delegate to the ISO committee on moist heat sterilization of medical devices. In this position, she actively participated in the development of ANSI/AAMI/ISO 17665-1, -2, and -3; Sterilization of health care products – Moist heat – Part 1 Requirements, Part 2 Guidance and Part 3 Product Families. She is currently co-chair of the Industrial Moist Heat Sterilization of Medical Devices and Protective Barriers Committee. Ms. Swenson also serves on several other AAMI committees. She is also a member of AAMI’s job task analysis committee for the development of a certification program for Industrial Sterilization Scientists and is a member of the Editorial Board – Industrial Sterilization. Ms. Swenson is also a member of the Benchmarking Committee, co-sponsored by AAMI and IAHCSMM, and is a member of the Certification Council for IAHCSMM.