Autoclave Training in Bangkok, Thailand

This month we are in Bangkok, Thailand providing in-depth training. We have a great group of 36 technicians and salespeople from Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia and Korea.
The training is divided into two sessions:
February 14 - 17, 2017 is dedicated to Tabletop and Lab autoclaves. We cover the following topics:
February 20 - 24, 2017 is dedicated to large Horizontal Autoclaves where we cover the same topics as in the first session, but with a focus on large autoclaves.
On successful completion of training, a certificate is provided to each attendee.
Training is a great opportunity to get to know our customers. The Town in Town hotel is where it all happens. The group stays in the hotel during training period and the training also takes place in the hotel conference room. We have already made new social connections and ties and new friendships also form between our group members that come from different countries.
Town in Town hotel is where it all happens
We invite course participants to stay in touch also after the course ends. You can find us on our social media channels: Facebook and Linkedin. We invite you to join the discussion or just get the latest industry and company updates.