We’re happy to introduce Tuttnauer USA tabletop division mobile app. The app helps independent and dealer sales representatives find the information they need. It can also be useful for end users who have troubleshooting questions or are in need of product or company info.
Using the capabilities of the app will make marketing and servicing Tuttnauer tabletop autoclaves even easier. The app helps you stay up to date on technical, marketing and company information. It’s also available in offline mode for areas where there is no service or wifi. In offline mode the app must connect and sync to device beforehand.
You’re invited to download the app:

Mobile App Features:

Product Info

Product Pictures, Descriptions and Marketing Materials

EZPlus Video

Operators Manual

User Help videos/PDFs

Company Info:
- Tuttnauer’s company video
- All upcoming trade shows
- Sales rep rosters
- Tech training schedule

About author
Tuttnauer Team is made up of veteran staff at Tuttnauer that are responsible for communicating with our customers about sterilization and infection control. Let us know if there is anything specific you want to read more about.