Ciclo de protección contra coronavirus para autoclaves de clase B: gracias por comunicarse con Tuttnauer


Gracias por su interés en el autoclave de clase B con Coronavirus Protection Shield.

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The following may interest you ...

How to better protect dental and medical clinics from airborne contamination

We developed a safety measure that secures the air released from an autoclave at the pre-vacuum stage.
Healthcare professionals; doctors, dentists, nurses, and lab professionals are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases. Medical staff members are exposed to more viral particles than the general public.  Research has shown that Dentists face the highest risk of catching Coronavirus.
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Is there a risk for the autoclave user to be exposured to Coronavirus?

Unfortunately, the answer is Yes. I don’t want to expose myself and my staff and patients to this risk. Is there a solution? Yes, there is.
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