Advanced Control System for Your Laboratory
Take advantage of Tuttnauer’s sophisticated user-friendly control systems for repeatable high performance.
Choose either Tuttnauer’s sophisticated Bacsoft controller or the Allen-Bradley (AB 1400 PLC) controller.
Standard Features
- 7” Multi-color touch screen panel
- Keypad control panel on second door of two door autoclaves with Bacsoft controller
- Stores the last 200 cycles in built-in memory (Bacsoft)
- Multiple access levels and user passwords to control access/operation of the autoclave
- Diagnostic In/Out test (enables technician to check each system component separately)
- Sterilization Temperature range 105°C to 138°C
- PID (Proportional Integral Differential) pressure control
- Filter replacement notifications
Optional Features
- 10” Multi-color touch screen
- Up to 8 different barcode readers
- Independent Recording for cross-checking cycle measurements
- Disinfection/Isothermal Temperature range from 70°C to 95°C
- F0 software control
- 21 CFR part 11
Sophisticated Touch Screen HMI
The HMI (Human Machine Interface) has been designed with the following considerations:
- Multi-color display for easier reading from a distance
- Multilingual (26 languages)
- Graphical display of Temperature and Pressure trend graphs