Benchtop Sterilizers
Tuttnauer provides the life sciences with a single solution for the full spectrum of laboratory sterilization needs including liquids, glassware, plastics, biological waste, contaminated media and more.

Freestanding Lab Autoclaves
The advanced laboratory line provides a single solution for the full spectrum of sterilization needs including liquids, culture media, instruments, glassware, plastics, pipette tips, biological waste, contaminated media and other laboratory items. The autoclave is designed to accommodate a wide range of applications.

Vertical Autoclaves
The advanced vertical laboratory autoclave line features top loading sterilizers from Tuttnauer with fast cooling, optional drying and waste treatment options. The advanced laboratory line provides a single solution for the full spectrum of sterilization needs including liquids, culture media, instruments, glassware, plastics, pipette tips, biological waste, contaminated media and other laboratory items. The autoclave is designed to accommodate a wide range of applications.