Video zur sterilen Aufbereitung
BioHazard lab Autoclave Air Filter protects against COVID-19 in compliance with the WHO Guidelines
Safe Virus Research with Best-in-Class Autoclaves
T-Edge Dental Autoclave
Testimony by Dental Clinicians
TIVA Washer-Disinfectors
High thermal disinfection before sterilization
T-Top Autoclave
Efficiency with maximum reliability
In-Office Biological Indicators Validation
T-Edge Built-in Features and T-Connect
Autoclaves used in the Kalmar Family Dentistry center
3 Doctors, 6 dental assistants and 3 dental hygienists working on a daily basis.
Dental Sterilization Excellence🏆
Advancing Dental Instrument Decontamination
Return to Practice Webinar
Tuttnauer Laboratory Solutions
Laboratory Sterilizers meeting the highest standards for quality, safety and performance.
T-Edge-Autoklaven der Klasse B
Haben Sie mehr Zeit für die Behandlung Ihrer Patienten
HSG Medical Autoclave
Light, Mobile with a Water Saving System
T-Top Autoclave
Efficiency with maximum reliability
Low Temperature H2O2 Plasma Sterilizer
PlazMax Sterilizer
Advancing Dental Instrument Decontamination
Return to Practice Webinar
BioHazard lab Autoclave Air Filter protects against COVID-19 in compliance with the WHO Guidelines
Safe Virus Research with Best-in-Class Autoclaves
T-Edge Dental Autoclave
Testimony by Dental Clinicians
TIVA Washer-Disinfectors
High thermal disinfection before sterilization
Manual Autoclaves by Michelle Strange
Advantages of Manual Autoclaves
Valueklave 1730 autoclave sterilizer
Dental Infection Control Solutions
Safely Emerging From COVID 19 Best Practices in Infection Control, Kandis Garland
In-Office Biological Indicators Validation
Low Temperature Plasma Sterilizer
Sterilize endoscopes & heat sensitive equipment